Welcome to the AACC
A Catalyst for Transformation
Human Services to Help Our Community!
With a primary focus on socioeconomically disadvantaged youth, adults, and families, the Ann Arbor Community Center provides programs and services that promote self-reliance, social and economic well-being, diversity, and community involvement. We combine our local volunteers and funding from our local community to provide high-quality programs, information, and services such as AACC Closets, Family Mentoring, food distribution, and so much more.
Through the years, the AACC has appreciated the support from Washtenaw United Way, Washtenaw County, other area organizations, and thousands of individuals and families. Please consider donating financially to assist the AACC’s mission by clicking here.
Nothing is like 100 years ago. And, The AACC is ever-changing to deliver current needs to those that we serve.

We help persons who are assigned Community Service to help others
through on-site “jobs” for persons who need assistance
through the Courts and probation officials.
All of our deliverables are completed through new means unlike even 5 years ago. Please call 734.662.3128 to receive direction. Also you may email us right from our website!
We begin interviews for Thanksgiving and Christmas in September but we will accept applications all year long. Click here to fill out an application. Washtenaw County residents only.

Celebrating 101 Years of Service to the Ann Arbor Community!!

Do You Need Help This Christmas?
Applications are now closed for Christmas Help.
Even our waiting list is full.
Our 2024 Support Services Are Being Arranged NOW!
It's Not Too Early To Think About Holiday Donations!!
Each year we provide food, gift and financial support for area families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. We have hundreds of families selected for support this year! Your donation today will help us to meet our goal! Make a donation to help us reach as many families as we can.
Make Your Donation Today
Thank You Lake Forest Golf Club and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
For Your Generous Support!!

The Wendy Fund
Help Us Help Others during the Winter Heating Season!
Your donations to the Wendy Fund will go toward helping families with heat, electricity, and other utilities during the winter.
It may not be cold now, but you can still donate now so we will be ready when winter comes again.
Donate Today!
Designate “the Wendy Fund” when you donate and help keep our Washtenaw County families warm and safe during this difficult time.
One day a lady named Wendy called the AACC. She was almost fussing at herself when she said, “I’ve been meaning to contribute! Now I’m donating because I don’t want folks to not have heat/electricity. Can you tell me how to do that?”
The AACC shared her sincere desire that no one be cold. To have no child miss a class because their computer couldn’t be charged. And we placed her donation into a program that we now call “the Wendy Fund.”
A family was blessed by this fund just recently through the work of Mark Howson, Julie Burdick, and the AACC! And twenty-five families have been helped since that one person, Wendy, made an effort to draw attention to this very real need in Washtenaw County!
Thank you, Wendy. If you would like to donate to this fund and other programs at the AACC, please click the button above or click here.

The Adopt-A-Family Gifts Are Piling Up!
We’ve been busy elves sorting and packing your generous donations to be ready to deliver to our 2024 Adopt-A-Family participants. We rejoice to see the donations growing and piling up! Your Donation Will Help Make The Holidays Special For Families In Need!Thank YOU!!

It’s Our Busiest Time Of The Year!
It’s our busiest time of the year!! We hosted a holiday party for The Tenants of Avalon Housing! A wonderful time was had by all and Shannon and The AACC are excited that we now enjoy this partnership together. A first look at our Adopt-A-Family bounty!Stay Tuned!!

We delivered 129 baskets for Thanksgiving!!
We hope that you will enjoy the holiday! Gobble Gobble!! We especially want to thank Donors and The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Sigma Rho Chapter for partnering with us!! We loaded them up and that sent them on their way. We are busy with Christmas…. It’s just around the corner and we want you to

We’re Talking TURKEY!
We are talking TURKEY! But first we remind everyone to VOTE! Last day to vote in this election is tomorrow!! Your vote is your voice! Yes. The holidays are upon us! Our deliverables this month include baskets that include all the Thanksgiving fixings!! As we do each year, your contribution may be sent online via

AACC Voted Charity Of Choice!
We Are Proud to Share! We were voted the Charity of Choice By the employees of the UM Credit Union because of our non-stop efforts to serve others. Not only for 100 years, but never ceasing through the pandemic! We are proud to be noticed and we want to say THANK YOU for helping to make

Thanksgiving Is Not Far Away!!
We are deciding now how many families we can serve!! Would you like to help? We are asking you to support 1 family with a donation of $100 or any amount you wish towards our efforts. It’s Usually a few thousand for turkeys and then there are all the fixings and we try to support
If you need help preparing your 2018 taxes these, free tax assistance programs can help. Sponsored by the IRS programs, VITA which stands for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance; and TCE which stands for Tax Counseling for the Elderly.
Go to our Tax Help Resources page by clicking on this link https://annarbor-communitycenter.org/tax-help-resources-washtenaw-county/
How Will YOU Get Involved?
Need a Helping Hand?

Social and Economic Well-Being
We provide opportunities to help you and your family gain self-reliance and well-being through our Food Distribution, School Supplies, Caring Closets, Emergency Assistance, and Seasonal Support Programs.
Make a Difference

Share Your Skills and Time
If you feel like our mission falls in line with your moral and social compass, then we are ready to help you put your efforts to good use. Contact us today to get started on building a strong future for the Ann Arbor community!
Partner with Us

Working Together for Change
You may have the program but need the volunteers. Or maybe you have the volunteers who are ready to help. By working together we can go further and do more! How can we work together to build a community that works for everyone?
Let's Stay in Touch!
Get updates about our programs, volunteer opportunities, and community information you can use delivered right to your email box. Whether you need help or want to be of help, you’ll always know what’s going on.
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Halloween Candy
Halloween: October 28. 2pm – 3pm Help bag candy for families in need. We need 5 Volunteers
Candy bags will be given out to families/children 3pm – 4pm while supplies last!!!
Call AACC to sign up at (734) 662-3128

Thanksgiving Basket Distribution
Help will be needed. Please watch this space for Volunteer opportunity coming soon.
Help to provide a bountiful Thanksgiving meal to families who otherwise would have little to place on their table.

Donate to Make a Difference

Ann Arbor Community Center
Office Location
625 N. Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Office: (734) 662-3128
Fax: (734) 662-1099
No Event Rental Space Available
We Appreciate the Generous Support of: