Our Support Team
We provide a wide variety of programs and services to support our area schools, provide assistance to families, and make sure our Washtenaw County children have what they need to succeed in school. Our AACC Science Time, AACC Caring Closets, and Family Mentoring programs rely on our partnerships with schools and service agencies and the caring service of others.
Here are a few of the dedicated and gifted folks who help make our programs possible

Jad Baki
Science Time Program Coordinator
Jad is a senior at the University of Michigan and oversees about twenty volunteers who work several days each week for the AACC. Jad plans to go to medical school after graduation.

Family Mentoring Team
Nelda Murphy, LLMSW, MSW
Reverend Whiten, CEO
Catherine Hogans, LLMSW, MSW
Kelly House, Director of Educational Partnerships

Kelly House

Krystal Bonner
School Distribution Director

Kathleen Young
Science Time Tutor

Catherine Hogans, LLMSW, MSW

Kappas Sorority!
Our partner in serving others from the University of Michigan.