Take a nature walk outside. Look at the plants, animals, and other parts of nature. Record your observations.
3-D Shape Scavenger Hunt:
What 3-D shapes do you see inside your home? What about outside? Can you name them?
Counting Practice:
Pick a physical activity such as jumping, riding a bike, running in place, dribbling a basketball, or jumping jacks.
Practice counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s for younger students, and 3s or higher for older students.
Keep a daily journal. Write about one thing you did that day using a topic sentence, details, and a closing sentence. Add an illustration to match your writing.
Hopscotch Sight Words:
Find ten hard words from a book you are reading. Write these words with chalk in a hopscotch game outside. Play hopscotch and practice reading those words!
Shape Poem:
Pick an object that reminds you of summer (a flip-flop, the sun, a flower, a watermelon slice). Draw the object on a piece of plain paper.
Using your drawing as a guide, write about the object in the shape of the drawing.
Have Fun! ~ Stay Safe ~ Wear Your Masks ~ Wash Your Hands!