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Governor Whitmer Updating Us

  • Post category:News

Governor Whitmer will be addressing us for the first time in two weeks today at 2PM. Tune in and stay informed.


Hand Sanitizer is flammable. Do not keep it in the sun or car if it will be over 100 degrees. 

Wear a mask: throw away disposable masks. Place fabric masks in dryers on high for at least 10 minutes to sanitize and wash them with soap every couple of days.

Wash your hands for no less than 20 seconds, often. Use soap! Hand washing is preferred over sanitizer when possible. 

If you use Lysol or some other spray do not wipe off for 3 or 4 minutes as the instructions on the back of the can says.

Socially distancing is very important!! 6 feet apart at least!!

Wear A Mask! Wash Your Hands!

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