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Yes, People Need Help In Affluent Ann Arbor Too

  • Post category:News

Many people say Ann Arbor is a affluent community. And, it is. This is why it is so hard when we get calls like the one we received last week from The University of Michigan Law School Clinic.

The Social Worker was in need of immediate help for a family in Ann Arbor when it was 34 degrees outside that had no winter coats at all. 2 of the 5 person family were toddlers.

You can only imagine what other things this family is in need of when they do not even have coats.

Yes, there are places to help with these issues. However, folks who are burdened with one problem after the next don’t have Internet, computers or printers and may not even be aware that the Library can be of help.

They need assistance.

Thanks to your donations this is what we do! We help folks learn to navigate. We help them to get some breathing room.

Won’t you please make a donation today? People need help at Thanksgiving and Christmas but they also need help today.

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