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The election is just around the corner. Here is what you need to know to cast your vote on November 6th 2018 in Ann Arbor/Washtenaw County. Download this information HERE

If you are already registered, then: 

WHERE > To find your polling place and hours, use this link or call the Clerk’s offices listed below. 

Ann Arbor Clerk 734.794.6140, City Hall, Second Floor, Ann Arbor  / Washtenaw County Clerk 734. 222.6730, 200 N Main St, Suite 120, Ann Arbor 

WHEN > November 6th 2018. Then year after year for upcoming elections of all kinds. 

When you go to the polls on Election Day, you will be asked to present voter identification. If you don’t have acceptable photo ID, you can vote by signing an affidavit. The affidavit can be used by 1) voters who don’t have acceptable photo ID or 2) voters who have photo ID – but didn’t bring it to the polls. 

WHY > Casting your vote on the entire ballot for each category is really more like 20 to 30 votes, not just one vote. 

With fewer people voting, every vote carries more weight 

Support issues and candidates that matter to you 

Make your voice heard by politicians and your community 

Voting affects how government functions and provides services to people: Health Care, Social Security, Job opportunities, Education, Transportation, Food Safety, Environmental Policy and many more areas of your life are directly affected by the people in power. 

Protect your rights as a citizen